Colligo Marine® Lashing Tie off instructions

Lashing Systems

Colligo Lashing systems are designed to maximize strength and safety while minimizing effort.  We have taken an ancient tensioning strategy and added new materials and design concepts. Now, we have an enhanced procedure to tying off lashings (see below). 

The hole separation in our distributors and terminators are a key factor allowing the following:

1. There is no interference or line overlap which provides the easiest movement of the line.

2. The hole separation allows for a much more secure lashing.  The hourglass shape of a proper lashing provides the lashing to become tighter. As the shroud, or stay, gets tighter, then the lashing itself gets tighter. This is not attainable without the hole separation in the distributors and tensioners.

To start, click here too see the new and improved Lashing Tie off Instructions 


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