How to Tune a Dux Rig

Tuning a Colligo Dux rig is no different than tuning a steel rig. What you want to accomplish is a rig that is not over tensioned so as to cause other long term issues with you boat and rigging, but tensioned enough to give you the best performance of your boat.

The best method of achieving proper rig tension is to go sailing. There is really no other method of achieving the specific loading on your rig, due to your sail plan, than to just go sailing. On a new rig it is best to pick a day that the wind starts very light and slowly builds to at or about the wind speed that you will want to reef the sails in. The goal is always keep the mast in column, and to have the leeward shrouds just coming loose at the reef point in wind speed. If your boat/sail plan is designed to reef at 15 knots then you want the leeward shrouds to just come loose at 15 knots.

On a new rig we recommend starting in 1-4 knots of wind with full main and whatever your most used headsail will be. Tack back and forth while tensioning the leeward shrouds each time, making sure the mast always stays in column. Keep doing this as the wind builds. The backstay should be used to keep the proper amount of tension on the forestay. The forestay needs to be straight till just beyond you reef point in wind speed.

If you want to be really prudent it is good to test all you sail configurations in the respective wind that they will be used in. A single reefed main with a smaller headsail for instance should keep the mast in column and the leeward shrouds just coming loose in wind speeds up to your second reef point, whatever that is for you boat.

The main accomplishment here is to keep the mast in column at all times. 

One property that Colligo Dux has is that it thermally expands, inversely proportional to temperature, that is when the temperature goes up, Dyneema shrinks. If you have an aluminum mast you might notice this as the aluminum is going in the opposite direction. With a Carbon mast you will probably not notice anything. In terms of magnitude, for a 30 degree F change in temperature you will se a 1/8” difference in length of a 50’ shroud. If this is seen as an issue on your boat then you need to tension your rig in the coldest temps you will be sailing in. This will make sure you rig has the tension it needs and the rig will get slightly tighter as the temps warm up. We have not seen any over-tensioning issues with this to date and don’t expect any.

We do have Loos gauge Calibrations for Colligo Dux Rigging (click here) if you would like to use a tension gauge on your rigging.


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